Orgasm Health: Taoist sex education
Excerpts from Ch. 9 The Tao of Sexology, "Man and Woman Together: Superior Orgasm"

Spiritual Journey is Healing

"How to Heal Your Lover's Body Using Your Sexual Mind"

  1. The Holdbacks: Superior Orgasm Technique
  2. Advanced Superior Orgasm Technique
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The Holdbacks: Superior Orgasm Technique

The male orgasm is analogous to the summit of a mountain: In trying to climb up this summit, a man must exert himself physically and emotionally. He must maintain an erection; his prostate must function at 100% capacity; he must pump, sweat, endure tension, anxiety, and stress; and, in the end, he must lose a big portion of his nutrients, energy, and hormones. Immediately after reaching the summit, the man collapses and falls into a deep abyss of exhaustion and feelings of emptiness, depression, guilt, anger, or hunger.

The man will also suffer from dry eyes and mouth, headaches, frequent urination, weakness, and the loss of a huge portion of his youth. Once he ejaculates he will have difficulty producing another erection. So, according to an old saying, "a living lion is reduced in a matter of seconds to a dead dog." After ejaculating, a man usually rolls over and falls asleep, leaving a woman in a limbo halfway to heaven and halfway to earth. By following his physical instincts only, a man may not be able to take the woman beyond level four of the nine levels of a complete orgasm. The woman, unsatisfied, becomes resentful, angry, and frustrated.

Ordinary Orgasm

In Taoist theory, this is called an Ordinary Orgasm, and it is the type of orgasm usually described - even encouraged - in most sex manuals (and school dorms). From the Taoist viewpoint, all the work, suffering, and loss traded for half a second of pleasure is uneconomical, worthless, and unwise. Unfortunately, men cannot abstain from this instinctive desire to fulfill the universal will, that of producing offspring. Since men cannot avoid sexual activity Taoists devised a thorough protection for men which provides maximum pleasure without suffering or loss called "Superior Orgasm."

NOTE: Ordinary Orgasm was originally called Peak Orgasm. The word peak suggests that there are many other high points in a mountain range. When used to describe an orgasm, the word suggests many ejaculations within one intercourse. But very few men in this world are able to achieve many ejaculations within one intercourse. A more suitable name for regular orgasm would be Ordinary Orgasm. Another term, "Valley Orgasm," is also inadequate. The valley is the lowest point between mountains. It connotes quietude, rest, and calm. In reality, a Superior Orgasm never reaches a low point, and it is always exciting, active, and positive.

The type of orgasm encouraged in Taoist Sexology is called Superior Orgasm. With what are called "Holdbacks" a man will experience many "orgasms" in one intercourse. The Superior Orgasm, measuring 98% to 99% on the orgasmic scale, is repetitive and lasts as long as the man wants. Ordinary Orgasm, measuring 100% on the orgasmic scale, lasts only half a second. By using the Technique of Holdbacks, a man can enjoy sex for what seems like an eternity without having to suffer through the anguish caused by ordinary orgasm.

The Holdback Technique is as follows: When the man works up to 98% or 99% - a point where just one more stroke will cause ejaculation (the 100% point):

Superior Orgasm

-- he stops thrusting and does stage two of the Deer Exercise. Then he levels off and begins the return to a lower level on the orgasmic scale 70%, or whatever level he prefers. Then he may start thrusting again anytime. This is called one Holdback.

The physical changes that occur during Ordinary Orgasm and Superior Orgasm differ. Ordinarily, when stimulated to 100% (the point of no return), the prostate begins to empty itself by pumping out the semen in a series of contractions. When the Holdback Technique is used, the prostate's actions are controlled.

First, it is not allowed to be stimulated beyond 98% or 99%. to prevent involuntary contractions from taking place. Then, the prostate is gradually milked of its contents by the anal contractions of the Deer Exercise. When the prostate is milked, it is made to release its contents in a direction opposite to that of semen release during regular ejaculations; its contents are released inward and upward, instead of outward. This is injaculation.

Since the Deer Exercise also stimulates circulation around the pelvic area, the semen is carried out by the bloodstream to other areas of the body. The semen is used to nourish the glands, the nerves, all the parts of the body. In the meantime, the man enjoys extended orgasmic-like pleasure, since the Deer Exercise simulates the contractions of orgasm. His partner, feeling the throb of the penis - also a result of the Deer Exercise - also receives a great deal of pleasure.

Anal contractions and pressure upon the Million Dollar Point prevent ejaculation in a similar way, but these two techniques serve different purposes. The former technique is better because both partners are spared the trouble of pressing a point with their fingers. In most cases, pressing the Million Dollar Point will not allow a man to continue - he still loses his erection. He will not lose his erection while doing the Holdback and he will be able to experience many other climaxes.

In case the man loses control while doing the Holdback, he can still use the Million Dollar Point to prevent ejaculation. Ergo, just below the summit of ejaculation, the man injaculates until the need to ejaculate is gone. Whenever he injaculates, his need to ejaculate decreases to whatever level feels comfortable to him. Then, lovemaking can resume with whatever movement the partners desire to use. When the man reaches 98% or 99% again, he repeats injaculation and again his need decreases to a comfortable level. (Tip: Practice makes perfect. It's still a two-way street, so training Taoist Sexology with your partner is ideal.)

A Superior Orgasm still provides 98% or 99% of the enjoyment of an orgasm, yet it also allows the man to keep enjoying again and again. As we all know, once an Ordinary Orgasm occurs, sexual intercourse is over. A Superior Orgasm can go on for hours - provided that injaculation is mastered and applied appropriately by the man. On reflection, we can see that if a man holds back three times, he will enjoy three 99% orgasms, or one 297% orgasm (99% x 3 = 297% of a logistic male orgasm during one average session of sexual intercourse). That is certainly better than an Ordinary Orgasm that ends at 100%...

And there is no reason to stop at three Holdbacks. {The record is 10 holdbacks: 99% x 10 = 990% of an Ordinary Orgasm (supposedly, producing Buddahood and sexual englightenment)! The interval between holdbacks tends to become exponentially shorter with each holdback as tension and charge dramatically increase in the male.}

As enjoyable as this can be for the man, the real purpose of the Holdbacks is to satisfy the woman. It helps the man bring his partner through all nine levels of a woman's complete orgasm and it allows him to last through and enjoy countless numbers of orgasms. Only a man can totally satisfy a woman, sexually, but the man who serves his partner well will gain benefits himself.

Advanced Superior Orgasm Technique

For those of you who have mastered the Holdback Technique, Taoist teachings provide an advanced technique that will give the the couple even greater pleasure. With this technique, a man need not experience any decrease in excitement; he can maintain a constant level of excitement at the 99% or even 103% level. The woman also benefits from this technique because her vagina receives constant stimulation.

The technique is as follows: During intercourse the man exhales slowly while thrusting in and inhales slowly while withdrawing. Done in a relaxed and natural manner this provides a steady rhythm that heightens pleasure, relaxes the man to prevent early ejaculation, and maintains a high level of awareness and concentration.

Advanced Superior Orgasm

The Deer Exercise is added to this technique when the man nears orgasm. When the man reaches the 99% level he alters the technique and speed of thrusting and withdrawing. During withdrawal, he inhales and tightens his anus, which causes the penis head to enlarge. The withdrawal of the enlarged penis head massages the walls of the vagina and provides the woman with indescribable pleasure. When the man thrusts, he relaxes and exhales. In this way, the man maintains a 99% to 103% orgasmic level for as long as he desires.

The Advanced Superior Orgasm and the Superior Orgasm unite the mind and body to create an explosion of energy, pleasure, and creativity.

Readers must be wary of teachings that recommend combining visualization and heavy breathing exercises with Holdbacks. There are two reasons why a man should not visualize the flow of energy, use his mind to help the energy reach his head, rotate his eye balls, arch his body, and grind his teeth, while he makes love to his partner. First, his partner will wonder why he is trying to scare her. Second, these recommendations are dangerous - namely, a biopathic damming of proper circulation leading to physical armor.

{Just for the record: There are certain Buddhist and Taoist alchemical meditation techniques that require the transformation of sexual energy into spiritual energy. These techniques are highly advanced. If you are interested in this subject then I recommend "Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Chi Kung - The Secret of Youth" by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming

Ordinary Orgasm vs. Superior Orgasm in man and woman

REVIEW: Notice that proper sexual activity has the man approaching the orgasm function as a sinusoidal wave. This denotes a mastery of the orgasm function where:

orgasm = Tension -> Charge -> Discharge -> Release

The man who has obtained control of the orgasm function has the ability to waver between charge and discharge while maintaining complete control of when the "Release" occurs. In contrast, we see that the woman's orgasm function represents more of a DC pulse. This graph does not show the necessary detail that is truly the woman's orgasm function, but it represents her ability to receive a charge, keep a charge, and rise to a new level with each new charge. Remember that the sexual function is also a two way street: What you give to your partner in terms of charge she will return, manifold.

True Taoist teachings insist upon unification of the mind and body. Unification of the mind and body leads to health and longevity because it is the principle of God and living life. Separation is the principle of Satan, or death. When one's mind is concentrating on something different from what one's body is doing, one is driving a wedge between the mental and spiritual aspects of one's body. So, when a man makes love, his thoughts must be on lovemaking and on feeling love (not baseball - The laws of "American Pie" do not apply in real life); otherwise, he will suffer from mental disorders, such as double personality, schizophrenia, etc. For this reason Taoism forbids people from fantasizing while they are making love.

(Taoists tend to believe that Taoism is the "end all - be all" of creation. You, as the layman, can approach these skills as a matter of logic rather than spiritual orientation.)

Fantasizing is not only a great offense to the partner, but it is also a great threat to the fanatasist's mental, physical, spiritual well-being. (There is an entire market built around fantasy and fetishism because of this biopathic behaviour.) Moreover, meddling in bioenergetic functions that are not widely understood - that is, the natural flow of bioenergy through the body - can cause "Disintegration into Evil," better known as "physical armor" and "charactor armor" in Reichian Terminology.

In Taoism, sex is represented by the Fire Hexagram. Like fire, sex generates life when used properly. Like fire, sex destroys life when used improperly. So those who describe themselves as "sex machines" while they neglect morality and spirituality will, in the words of Pao Piao Tse, "be consumed by fire..."

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